PWSA Camp Registration Form - Taupo 2023
Friday 10th March - Sunday 12th March
Names of any adults with PWS attending camp:
Names of all children under 18 attending camp - please include their AGE on 10th March 2023:
Names of parents / adult family members attending camp:
Names of support worker(s) attending camp to accompany adult(s) with PWS. (Please also include the name of the service provider organisation, if applicable.)
Your name (person completing this form):
First name
Last name
Your email address:
Email address for one or more attendees from your group, for camp correspondence. (IF WE SHOULD ONLY USE EMAIL ABOVE - write n/a)
Mobile phone contact for one or more attendees from your group (incl. who number belongs to):
Emergency phone contact for someone NOT attending camp (only to be used in emergencies):
Do you have special dietary requirements (other than PWS friendly)?
If ticked, please provide details - i.e. gluten free, lactose intolerant, vegetarian etc. Please list each person and their dietary needs separately.
Transport to camp. (NB: subsidies only available if travelling from the South Island.)
We will be driving
We will book flights
Would you require transport to camp from Taupo? (Timing will coincide with flight arrival times just prior to camp start time.)
We assume your stay at camp will be from start to end, unless you tell us otherwise. Sometimes, it is not possible for attendees to arrive until later on a Friday night or they have to leave earlier on Sunday.
If arriving later / leaving earlier - please complete below.
If attending the whole camp - please go directly to registration confirmation / declaration.
Camp usually starts around 5.30pm. If arriving late, please indicate approx ETA.
Camp usually ends after lunch and clean-up duties on Sunday. Please indicate approx. departure time if leaving earlier.
Please indicate any changes to your meal orders.
We DO NOT require Friday dinner (usually around 6pm)
We may arrive just after Friday dinner - please reserve meals for us.
We DO NOT require Sunday lunch (usually around 12.30 -1pm)
Please pay $40/adult and $25/child 5-17yrs (under 5's free) into the account below using your SURNAME and CAMP22 to complete your registration.
PWSA(NZ) account number: 12-3659-0043686-00
I have made / will make a registration confirmation payment.
I understand that the parents or support workers attending, listed above, will have full duty of care for any under 18's or adults with PWS in this group registration.
I understand there is an expectation that parents help with rostered duties and clean-up duties where possible
The following Covid-19 policies are to protect the safety of our more vulnerable members and those ineligible for vaccination.
I understand that a current Vaccine Pass was required to attend camp, from all who are eligible. I understand this is no longer required but members of my group may need to abide by any new Govt mandates.
I understand that members of my group will be asked not to attend camp if presenting with any Covid-like symptoms unless they can provide a relevant negative test result.
I understand members of my group cannot attend during the isolation period if covid positive. I understand PWSA also require a negative test if a member of my group is likely to have been infected by a close contact.
The terms above are subject to change with any Government policy changes.
Please use this space for any other important details you wish to add, i.e. requests re. cabin groups etc.
Please check the highlighted fields